Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lotsa happenings!

Lachie got his school picture back yesterday!! Here's my handsome boy

Aint he just the cutest darn thing? Can't believe he's 10 already... they surely do grow too fast!

And tomorrow, I'm getting Becky and Hayden haircuts! So be on the lookout for pictures of them with their new hairdo's! Warning.. Becky is getting a much shorter cut. She is adamant! It will probably be a cute little just-above-the-shoulders cut! I'm terrified of doing it, but I think she needs a good cut. She's only really had trims since she was born, so she's got alot of dry baby hair there, and when you wash her hair.. it looks like straw!

Sophie won a lollipop in school today LOL In drama they had to do a fashion parade with whatever costumes were in the drama wardrobe, so she dressed up as a grumpy old man. The deputy principal was a guest judge at the "fashion parade", and Sophie got honourable mention from her over her performance! I wish I had video'd her telling me about it LOL She did this little old man action of waving a closed fist near her head and it looked hilarious! I really need to get some pictures of that girl!

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