Monday, October 20, 2008

Birthday Eve

Well, technically, it is now my little Becka Bleweeze's 4th birthday, but I haven't gone to bed yet, so its still not until she wakes up hehehe
So, here is the last look at my girl before she is no longer 3!!




I really can't believe she is 4 already! It honestly only seems like a few months ago that she was this tiny itty-bitty baby in my arms, all fresh and new. Wow. The year after next, she starts school. NO WAY!! I can't really believe it. But how different our lives have been since she entered out world. Such a livewire, with a spunky personality and with beautiful manners to boot. She can't make me any more prouder than I already am to be her mum. Love you Becka Bleweeze! I will add birthday pics tomorrow or the day after :)

AND, in other birthday news, my dad turned 70 on October 14th! What a fantastic milestone. In 2001, he suffered from very bad peritonitis and was lucky to have lived through that. Then at the beginning of January 2007, he suffered two strokes within a 3 day time frame. That was devistating to all of us, and we are so so lucky that he made it through that as well! We love you dad, and we are sure lucky to have you as our dad :) XOXO
CHRISTMAS!!! It's only 10 weeks away (as the lovely announcer at Big W kindly reminded me of when I was doing birthday shopping for B). OMG! I love christmas, but I hate the leadup. The panic, the stress... oh lord lol I'm fairly sure christmas will be ok this year (thanks to a very generous government!!), but by the time I'm able to do the shopping, I know most things will be almost impossible to find :( I hate that. I swear every year that I am going to start doing the christmas shopping in June-July, but do I ever do it? No.. my biggest fear of shopping that early is that my kids taste in toys will change. You know how it goes. One minute it may be Dora, the next its Fifi and the Flowertots.. and then lo and behold, it changes yet again! So yeah, it does make it harder to start early, but by golly, I'm going to definitely try next year. I hate the stress of it all!
But anyway, I guess I better head to bed and get some kind of sleep before the birthday girl rushes in at sparrows fart and wakes me up with excited yells about it being her birthday LOL God love her, I can't wait :) Tomorrow morning is cake baking and gift wrapping (no, I still have not got the wrapping paper!!), and then a little later will be decorating the cake!
So I will update tomorrow or tuesday with lots of piccies :D Ciao!

1 comment:

Patti said...

Happy Birthday Becky!!! Mwah!
I can't wait to see piccies!

Oh! I hear ya on the shopping early. My kids are all notorious for telling me at the last minute about something they thought of that they just can't live without and much rather have than the thing they couldn't live without the week before!