Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How can you beat this??

This picture is of my sassy little 3yo daughter Rebecca. I wanted to share a conversation I had with her a few nights ago. All I could do in the end was shake my head and shut up LOL

It started out with Becky asking for something and I told her no.. and it followed like this:

Becky: Its not fair
Me: No, life isn't fair honey
Becky: Yes it is
Me: But you just said it wasn't fair
Becky: But you said it isn't so it is!
Me: Oh Becky, you're a cheeky girl
Becky: No, you're cheeky mummy!!
Me: I wish you wouldn't argue back...
Becky: Well you're arguing back with me!!
At that point I had to just walk away.. how can you beat a 3 year old with that kind of quick wit? There was something in the middle of that conversation, but for the moment I am drawing a blank trying to remember what it was she said. When I think of it, I will edit it! When Keith got home from work I told him of the little chat I had with her, and he cracked up laughing! We've both agreed that she is a quick witted, VERY intelligent 3 year old.. we're going to have our hands full with her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh you most certainly are going to have your hands full with her.
That has to be the funniest thing I've read for a while.
My little Abecka Blueze is definitely ahead of the game..