Saturday, July 26, 2008

Make It Snappy!!!

So we had a TOTALLY rocking day in the Orchard today. They did their first ever speed scrap and it was SO MUCH FUN! What happens with a speed scrap is they give you so many instructions in the first hour (eg. how many papers to use, how many elements etc), then in the second hour, you have to finalise your layout and post it! This is what I came up with:

It was so much fun being limited on time.. it was very challenging, but exhilirating at the same time! Then they had a TreeHouse chat after where they played games and gave out some WAY cool prizes! Everyone that participated got some awesome freebies from Ziggle Designs, Pineapple Plantation Designs and Polka Dot Plum! They say they are going to do another one soon... can't wait!!

In the meantime, here are a couple more layouts that I have done... both for challenges :)

This one was for Wordart Wednesday #7... Bethany just rocks at wordart, and it can be really inspirational in coming up with a layout.. The journalling reads "Our day at the park ended in tears because you insisted on taking your shoes off and you got prickles in your feet".. my poor honey, she cried. I just thought the photo was appropriate for the wordart :) Also the kit I used was Dulcet by Ellie Lash :)

And I apologise.. this one wasn't for a challenge.. I'd just purchased Kami's "No Prince Required" (Ziggle Designs) kit and was dying to do a layout with it. I came up with this gorgeous, yet hilarious photo of my 3yo daughter when she was 18 months old. This photo was actually taken in a food court at a shopping centre when I was about 37 weeks pregnant with our youngest! Honestly, that was her way of saying "SHHH"... she'd put her finger up her nose and go "SHHHHHHH" LOL What a ham!

There are a few more challenges going on in the Orchard, and I'll put up those layouts once I've done them :)

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