Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's 2009!

OMG! Where in the heck did 2008 go? Did I blink and miss it? It seems like so many things happened in 2008, but now it feels like there just wasn't enough time for those things to have happened.. crazy weird how fast time is going by these days! I mean, we are already almost a week into 2009, and it feels like it was just yesterday we were seeing the new year in! BOO to time flying lol

One of the things I am not looking forward to in 9 days time, is marking 1 whole year since we said goodbye to our much loved, and hugely missed doggy Zoe. I can't believe this time one year ago we were gearing ourselves up for the inevitable. I miss her each and every day. Every time I go out the backyard, I wish every single time that I could see her just walk up to us for another reassuring pat and cuddle. I never thought I'd miss an animal as much as I miss her. 1 whole, long, sad, lonely year without our Zoe. We love you and miss you girl. See you on the rainbow bridge my sweet girl!

(A beautiful tribute made for me by a sweet loving friend in the days after)

Ok, enough sadness. Tonight I took my oldest three to the movies! It was cheap tuesday (if you call $9 a ticket cheap!! I even had to pay that for Becky!!).. anyway, we went and saw Bedtime Stories starring Adam Sandler.. omg SO FUNNY!! If you go see it, you will crack up laughing at Bugsy the Guinea Pig.. omg too funny.. as soon as Becky saw Bugsy, she was in fits of laughter! It was great! I think I had to tell her once in the entire film to sit back in her seat.. and when we got home she was soooo excited to tell daddy all about it! I'm very proud of how my kids behaved! I expected Sophie to, but the younger two made me so very very proud! Chest busting moment :D

In other news, I'm now on Ashalee Wall's CT!! WOOT! Very exciting! She's a funny, lively character and I just know she's going to be so much fun to work with! I'll let you know more about that when I know more myself :)

Sophie's part time job is going great! She's picking up lots of good hours, and is enjoying the flow of cash. She was approached by her manager the other day who told her that he wanted to teach her to work on drive through, because she has the potential to really move up! Isn't that just fantastic? But a funny thing she told me the other day when I picked her up was that she worked drive through her whole shift, and earlier in the morning, she found someone at the drive through window... on a motorized wheelchair-scooter! All he wanted was a burger, and it sounded so cute! LOL On another side note, Sophie (the day before) was being taught how to cook the fries, and while she was loading the fries into the basket, her arm slipped and hit the basket next to her which had just finished frying some fries :( She has a yucky burn on her arm now, and when she went in today to get her next set of shifts, the manager told her they needed to document the burn for health and safety reasons. Here's a couple of pics of the burn.. ouchies!

The nicely shaped burn!!!

The worst part of the burn that has blistered and popped.. poor honey!!

SO that's about it from my neck of the woods... I can't think of much else to blog about. Apart from summer.. what a stinker this one is!! We've been very lucky the last two years to have had very mild summers.. this one is sure making up for it.. horrible, hot, muggy days. Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I despise summer with a passion, and that winter is my kind of weather. So I'm now counting down to the end of this horrible season... just under 2 months left! WOOT! Every day is one day closer to winter, and one day less that I have to suffer the heat haha..

Anyway, I digress... I'm off to see if I can get a layout done.. if it doesn't work, I think I'm going to go tuck myself into bed and snore the night away :) CIAO my friends!!

1 comment:

Patti said...

Wow girl! Congrats on your CT position for Ashalee! Woot!!
And ouch! about DD's owie. Yikes that looks like it hurts! Tell her she can always cover the scar with a tatt! LMBO
Sorry about Zoe, I know you miss her dearly. big hugs!!