Friday, January 16, 2009

Counting down...

to the return of school! I can't believe how fast these summer holidays have gone! Sophie has been off for just over 6 weeks, and Lachie has been off for just over 4! They have just under two weeks left.. its going to go so fast and it will be back into the good old school routine for another year! Sophie's last year! Yikes! And its the last year I have my Becka-Bleweeze at home with me :( Now THAT has gone too fast.. way too fast for my liking! I got most of the school book shopping done yesterday, and Kmart were having awesome sales on everything! I got most of Lachie's books, pencils etc, PLUS a new backpack and Volley shoes for $50! Then picked up a few more things at Big W and now I just have a few things left on the list to get :D YAY! But now to cover the books.. the one part I do NOT like haha.. Sophie paid for her own supplies this year! How strange that was! But she got all the stuff she needs and got to choose what she wanted, instead of it having to be budgeted! Her last year of school... what a special time!

I had to go get an u/s done on my thyroid on monday because it seems I'm developing a bit of a goiter.. ughh! I went to the docs yesterday and all is ok.. I have a few nodules on each lobe, and that's from my silly habit of stopping and starting the medication. Pfft.. my own fault! So now its a blood test in March to check my levels.
Scrap Orchard is having a sort of 365 photography project.. set out in weeks.. you take a picture a day with a theme and when the week is done, you do a layout of the photos you took! So you are pretty much guaranteed 52 layouts for the year! hehe.. I finally finished my layout for week 1 last night, and I'm going to work on week 2 today, and take week 3, day 1's photo. oh boy LOL But I'm thoroughly loving it and its getting me using my camera and twiddling with all its settings and learning exactly what works great with certain settings. So much fun!
So its FRIDAY!! The start of the weekend!! YAY! I love weekends :D Although they do go too fast. But its still great to spend a couple of days with Keith home.
Hot Cross Buns!!!! Can you believe that less than one week into the new year, Woolworths and Coles were selling HOT CROSS BUNS???? What the heck!! It's not easter until March/April! AND there are easter eggs on the shelves! No way.. that's just insanely absurd.. let us get over christmas first! I'm going to try and make some hot cross buns this year.. I think this type of warm weather would be ideal for rising dough! I've made them once or twice.. once in school and they turned out great! And once at home a few years back but they ended up a bit too dry.. I like soft HCB's :D So if I do that, I'll share piccies of my final results.. good or bad LOL Actually, that might be my project over the weekend.. Keith LOVES his hot cross buns (I bought two packs of 8 yesterday, and there is half a packet left LOL) He isn't a fan of the white cross on top, but that's okay.. that's just a decoration that I can leave out ;) Off to find a good hot cross bun recipe!
I'll update again when I've got more to share! Hopefully a little freebie.. maybe ;)

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