Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Boy on Camp and 1 week to go!

So my oldest boy went on his very first school camp on monday. He doesn't come home until friday, and I miss him already! It was so cute. We got to his school at 7.40am for a scheduled 8.15am departure. Lots of people already there. Stood in line, checked in his medication and handed in his pocket money, and then went and got his gear on the bus. We stood around waiting and waiting. L-man was getting quite anxious and slightly impatient to get going! But I think he was nervous too, because he kept putting his arms around me and cuddling into me. It was so sweet. How many 10 year old boys will hug their mum like that in front of his peers? Not too many! So then the time came to load the kids into the bus (2 buses... a boy bus and girl bus.. huh? LOL).. he had already reserved a seat for him and his friend Jakie. He gave me another big hug and kiss and told me he loved me. I got my phone out and called Keith and handed the phone to Lachie to say bye to him. So funny... acting all male with his dad LOL.. he got on the bus and it was another 10 minutes before they took off. I stood where he could see me, and he just waved and waved, and then blew me the sweetest kiss.. I blew one back and mouthed "I LOVE YOU" and he nodded and smiled a big huge smile. Man, that kid is awesome. Gives us a run for our money, but he is nothing but awesome. So sweet, loving, caring, sensitive.. According to their itinerary, they are off to Australia Zoo (Steve Irwins zoo), and I know he's going to love that. A real animal lover that boy. I think it was the one thing he was really pumped about with camp. They will be doing other activities like body boarding, circus skills, fishing, orienteering... lots of great things to keep him busy and occupied! I just worry about him at bedtime. That he will have enough time to think about us at home and get homesick. I'm sure that's probably not happening, but I know him, and I'm sure there's a little homesickness going on to some level, at some point of each day. I just can't wait for him to come home and tell me ALL about his fun times! Unfortunately they weren't allowed to take cameras, so I can't show off his photos.. apparently at the end of camp, the teachers (who took their cameras!) will burn their photos onto disk and sell them to the parents for $5.. a bit of a rip off considering the camp cost $280, and I'm not going to pay that at the risk of my son only being in 2-3 of those photos! Unless of course they are going to make disks of each child.. I hope that's the case! I don't want a disk full of other peoples kids! LOL KWIM??

And now its 1 week until we pick up my still unnamed kitty.. I'm having real trouble finding a name that I like.. I thought of Suki.. I'm liking that one alot.. Lachie wants to call her marmalade which I am liking as well... I guess I'll just see what personality she has and go from there :)

It's only 4 more weeks until christmas *GULP*.. I have bought one thing so far.. how bad is that? I'm hoping that I can get the whole lot done soon. I hate the last minute rush of christmas shopping. It stresses me and bothers me and while I love to actually buy all the fun things, its the mad rush of people, the crowds, the pushing and shoving.. the almost empty shelves.. crazy!! I keep telling myself that each year I will start the shopping mid-year, but I never do. Silly silly me. Next year.. I promise ;)

Anyway, that's about it for now. Nothing much else going on! Will update after my boy gets back from camp, unless something else pops up in the meantime! xx

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