Saturday, July 26, 2008

Make It Snappy!!!

So we had a TOTALLY rocking day in the Orchard today. They did their first ever speed scrap and it was SO MUCH FUN! What happens with a speed scrap is they give you so many instructions in the first hour (eg. how many papers to use, how many elements etc), then in the second hour, you have to finalise your layout and post it! This is what I came up with:

It was so much fun being limited on time.. it was very challenging, but exhilirating at the same time! Then they had a TreeHouse chat after where they played games and gave out some WAY cool prizes! Everyone that participated got some awesome freebies from Ziggle Designs, Pineapple Plantation Designs and Polka Dot Plum! They say they are going to do another one soon... can't wait!!

In the meantime, here are a couple more layouts that I have done... both for challenges :)

This one was for Wordart Wednesday #7... Bethany just rocks at wordart, and it can be really inspirational in coming up with a layout.. The journalling reads "Our day at the park ended in tears because you insisted on taking your shoes off and you got prickles in your feet".. my poor honey, she cried. I just thought the photo was appropriate for the wordart :) Also the kit I used was Dulcet by Ellie Lash :)

And I apologise.. this one wasn't for a challenge.. I'd just purchased Kami's "No Prince Required" (Ziggle Designs) kit and was dying to do a layout with it. I came up with this gorgeous, yet hilarious photo of my 3yo daughter when she was 18 months old. This photo was actually taken in a food court at a shopping centre when I was about 37 weeks pregnant with our youngest! Honestly, that was her way of saying "SHHH"... she'd put her finger up her nose and go "SHHHHHHH" LOL What a ham!

There are a few more challenges going on in the Orchard, and I'll put up those layouts once I've done them :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Giving away my 2yo.. free to a good home! ;)

Seriously, his broken sleep habits are driving me crazy! Last night I got to bed at 11.30pm, only to have him wake me up at 1am by climbing over us in bed. By 1.30am it was very clear that he just wasn't going to go back to sleep, so I got up with him and waited for him to go back to sleep.. and waited.. and waited.. the little stinker ended up not falling back to sleep until 5.30am! So I jumped at the chance to grab a nap. Sophie and Lachie ended up with a bonus day off school because I slept until nearly 9am, which is when said rascal decided it was time to get up for the day.

So then today, he fell asleep on my lap at 2.30pm. I tried EVERYTHING to stop him from falling asleep.. but he went so fast I couldn't do anything about it! He slept until 5.30pm... EEEEK... after dinner Keith told me to have a sleep, because we knew he was going to be up until all hours of the night. So I did. I got a good 2 hours on the lounge, got up at 9.30pm, Keith went to bed, and here I am at 12.30am with him still full of energy. This is really driving me up the wall! BUT! I'd prefer to stay up with him than have him waking me up every 15 minutes by climbing all over me in bed.

1) I'm lucky I got that sleep!

2) He's VERY lucky I love him so much!

I just told him he'd have to go to bed soon.. and his answer was "No no no no".. if you could only hear the way he says no.. it cracks me up! He's a funny cute little guy.

Tell me, how can you stay mad at someone with a face like this??

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How can you beat this??

This picture is of my sassy little 3yo daughter Rebecca. I wanted to share a conversation I had with her a few nights ago. All I could do in the end was shake my head and shut up LOL

It started out with Becky asking for something and I told her no.. and it followed like this:

Becky: Its not fair
Me: No, life isn't fair honey
Becky: Yes it is
Me: But you just said it wasn't fair
Becky: But you said it isn't so it is!
Me: Oh Becky, you're a cheeky girl
Becky: No, you're cheeky mummy!!
Me: I wish you wouldn't argue back...
Becky: Well you're arguing back with me!!
At that point I had to just walk away.. how can you beat a 3 year old with that kind of quick wit? There was something in the middle of that conversation, but for the moment I am drawing a blank trying to remember what it was she said. When I think of it, I will edit it! When Keith got home from work I told him of the little chat I had with her, and he cracked up laughing! We've both agreed that she is a quick witted, VERY intelligent 3 year old.. we're going to have our hands full with her!

Friday, July 18, 2008

It's Fresh Fruit Friday

at Scrap Orchard!! Oh man, I love fridays, and even more now with FFF!!! I'm literally sitting here drooling at the new things available! I wish I had a limitless bank balance so that I could just snap everything up! If you want to check it out, go sign up and check out the DELICIOUS kits and offers!
Anyway, so one of the SO girls has just had an operation, so we were asked if we wanted to make a get well card for her so that when she gets back, she can read them all! I had fun making one, and it has kicked my creative rutt in the butt, and I think I can sit down tonight and do one or two more layouts :D There are quite a few challenges going on that I need to get done, so I will work on one or two of those.
Anyway, here is the get well card I made for Malinda (MHulshoff)..

I'll finish this up with that layout, and I'll post again when I have done a few more layouts, or if anything remotely interesting happens in my busy life with 4 kids!

Monday, July 14, 2008

I did it :D LOL

I bit the bullet and spoilt myself and bought "Dulcet" by Ellie Lash.. oh my.. I am going to play around with it tonight and hopefully get a layout put in the gallery! I'm so excited.. I'm just drooling at the elements and papers! I can't promise that I will get a layout done though.. I'm quite tired, and I have two sick kids (yucky colds, go away!).. plus it is first day back at school tomorrow after two weeks holidays. And I tell you, once I get PSP9 open and scrapping, I lose ALL track of time and end up spending 2 or more hours putting together a layout LOL I kid you not!

But hey.. two posts in two days.. not to shabby haha!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I need to post more!

It's been almost two weeks since I last posted, and I meant to get back here sooner, but it has been school holidays here for the last two weeks, and between hanging out at Scrap Orchard and keeping kids entertained, I haven't had a great deal of time to come post. But here I am now!!

There have been some great sales on at SO the last few weeks, and I must admit, I couldn't resist and bought some stuff to add to my ever increasing scrapping collection. My most recent buy was a kit by Ellie Lash called "These Crazy Days" and I'm telling you, I don't regret for one second buying it. It is jam-packed full of awesome elements and the papers are delicious! There is another kit of hers that I am planning on getting through the week.. its called "Dulcet" and wow.. I can't wait to get my hands on that one!

Here are some more of the layouts I have finished since I last posted. I will try and credit them as best I can!

This layout is of my gorgeous 3 year old daughter Becky that I did for a Wordart Challenge on SO. I usually do "busy" layouts and tried my hand at a simple, calmer one. I think it turned out quite eyecatching!

This was another WordArt Challenge. I chose to scrap pictures of my daughters very first concert, Fall Out Boy. That is her pictured at the top. It was an awesome night..

And this last one was one I scrapped last night for a scraplift challenge.. I used "These Crazy Days" by Ellie Lash (the one I bought yesterday LOL) and had SO much fun doing it.. isn't that alpha just soooooo cute!! I used three photos that I took of my three youngest after getting their faces painted at our local shopping centre. The lady that did the painting didn't think that my youngest (who turned 2 in May) would sit still, but he was such a good boy and sat totally still the whole time. So much so, that he attracted quite a few onlookers who couldn't believe how quietly he was sitting!!

So I'm having quite alot of fun with the scrapping. There are so many more kits I am just itching to buy, but with money so tight with bills and rising fuel and grocery costs, I'm just treating myself every now and then with a kit here and there.