Saturday, April 4, 2009

Surgery, my sister is home, and general waffle..

On Tuesday, I picked my sister up!! She is home! WOOHOO! We had a BIG mix-up with flight details and all that, and ended up missing her getting off the plane, but after the mixup was cleared, we found her down at the baggage claim area, and boy, was it good to get a great big hug from her. I haven't seen her in a year, and while we kept in contact on the net, it just wasn't the same! I was hoping to get some pics of her and I at the airport, but after the schamozzle, all we wanted to do was get in the car and go home. Poor honey, I felt so bad. I still think she thought we weren't there :( But I've been having a great time catching up with her and having good chats of an evening when everyone has gone to bed :) I've SOOOOOO needed to just chat about anything and everything with someone, and who better than my sister right? :D
Now, about the surgery part.. I've been feeling quite sick for the last couple of weeks. I put off going to the docs because 1) I thought that it was just a recurrance of the tummy pains I used to get (but haven't experienced for a few years), and 2) because my two youngest are DREADFUL to take with me. They run around the surgery waiting room, and don't listen. But by Tuesday night I was in so much pain, that I asked Sophie to stay home, and asked my sister if she minded helping Sophie to watch the kids for me while I went and got looked at. They were both fine with that (thank goodness!), and off to the docs I went on Wednesday morning. Keith had stood on a big stone the night before and got a HUGE blood blister on the heel of his foot, and wasn't walking properly, so said he might come home early from work on the wednesday, so I thought that was ok, he'd be able to take over watching the kids. So I wait for about an hour, and finally get called in to see my doc. I was in there for about 2 minutes and my mobile rang (my doc was on the phone anyway, so he was ok with me answering my phone LOL), so I answered it, and it was Keith.. he was in the waiting room of the docs LOL I told him I wouldn't be too long. So with both my doc and I off our respective phones, he asks me what was happening, and I gave him a rundown of all my symptoms and tried to describe the pain the best I could. It isn't a pain that I have felt before, so I didn't quite know how to describe it. Kind of like a burning, slightly crampy feeling just under my ribcage. So he gets me to lay on the bed and has a poke and prod around my belly area. Most areas were ok, except for quite a tender spot around my liver area. Hmm.. it didn't feel too nice! So then he got me to breathe out, he placed his fingertips just under my right ribcage, and told me to breathe in deep. Well, I probably got to about 1/4 of that deep breath in, and I hit the wall, yelled out and tried to get away from his hand. IT HURT LIKE HELL! Omg.. it was awful! So he stopped the examination and told me I could hop down, so I did, and went and sat back in the chair next to his desk. He told me he thought it was more than likely my gall bladder that was the culprit, but wanted a blood test and ultrasound done to confirm. I had the blood test done straight away, and booked in my u/s for next Tuesday. I went back yesterday and the results of my blood test were clear, but I am slightly iron deficient (which isn't unusual for me!). He said we could rule out an infection of the gallbladder or liver, because my levels would be elevated if that was the cause. So he said to have the u/s done and come back with the results and go from there. He said he would be VERY surprised if it showed no gall stones. He said if the u/s comes back with even 2-3 gallstones, he will be immediately referring me to a surgeon to get the offending gall bladder removed. That surprised me because I thought they let it go until it was unbearable. But he said it would be much better to get it removed straight away, because it only gets worse, and it only gets much more painful, so remove it before it gets to that stage. So I will wait until Tuesday for the u/s to be done and go from there, but I'm fairly sure that's what is going on. YAY me.. yet one more health issue going on. Does it ever stop?

Keith and I went to the football last night. My sister offered to babysit for us while she is here, which was absolutely wonderful. Not a great game to go to (our team got beaten.. poor playing from our team). But it was nice to just get out of the house and be able to focus on something without the kids running amok. And it is currently 8.30am, Lachie went to work with Keith, and the other three are still off in dreamland! So I'm enjoying the peace and quiet before they wake up!! And it has given me a chance to update here and really concentrate on what I am writing (not that it probably shows haha).
So, are you a facebooker? I am. I love my facebook. I have caught up with soooooo many people from my childhood/school life that I probably would never have found without it. It's awesome! And a great way to keep in touch with family that is spread around all over the place! If you haven't facebooked yet, try it! I know you'll love it! Lots of fun things to do there. It's my #1 stop every day. The first place I visit, and I'm constantly checking what's going on :D
Digiscrapping. I haven't scrapped anything in about two months, and I just have no desire to. It's awful. I used to love scrapping pages, but I just don't have it in my anymore. It's sad really, but I guess its like most things.. when its gone its gone.. trying to push it will only make it more frustrating, and what's the point in that? One day I may get it back, but for now, I can't see that happening. Such is life!
Today is going to be a fairly quiet day I think (I HOPE!!). I'd love to get out in the car and take some piccies of random things, but I don't think that will happen. There was a photography meet this morning at Queensland Raceway to photograph bikes and practice panning, but with Keith working, I am NOT going to drag my kids along on my own. I'd never get any photos taken. I am yet to manage to get to a photo meet. It's not because I don't want to go, its just timing. And fuel money. And our gear isn't that flash (will be getting new lenses at tax time!).. but it really is just bad timing. They had a huge meet last weekend, but I couldn't make it because Sophie worked both saturday and sunday, and it was her birthday on the saturday as well. So I couldn't really venture too far at all :(. There will definitely be one meet that I will eventually get to!!! I swear on it LOL

Anyway, that's enough rambling from me. I've run out of things to talk about, so until I update again, I hope all is well with you and your families :) Cheerio!!

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