Thursday, March 26, 2009

Updated and usual ramblings..

So I finally got around to get my playlist updated. I think it was about time to get rid of the christmas songs and put on some newer songs that I'm right into at the moment. First song on the list is Halo by Beyonce.. I don't know what it is about that song, but it gets to me. Its such a beautiful, touching song. And she has an amazing voice. Simply beautiful. Second is by an Aussie band called The Presets.. I like their funky sound. Then there are a few others that I currently like.. listen to them.. then you might know a little more of what I'm about.. I like to try to express who I am by my choices of music. As you can tell... alot of different sounds :)
Well, we've all had a round of colds. Mine is still ingering somewhat, and I woke up this morning with my right tonsil hurting. It's not so bad now, so I know that its not tonsilitis at least. Lachie is home sick with the flu. He can't stop coughing, and his nose is constantly running. Hayden is all snotty and its so gross .. Becky isn't too bad. Sophie always has a runny nose (allergies!), so its hard to tell if she still has this cold or its her allergies playing up. Keith's ok LOL
We did a little gardening on the weekend! Amazing ;) They had a local farmers market on two weeks ago and we bought some grevilleas and Callistamens.. trying to attract the birdlife to our yard :) Lets hope it works. There is a red one, reddy-pink one, and two white ones. Should be lovely when they grow big! One if them already has three flowers on it, and its just beautiful. Can't wait to see it covered in flowers! I'll get some pics of them all once they get a bit bigger and flower.
Getting right into the photography now. We bought some magnification filter lenses until we can afford the $600-700 for a proper macro lens, because I think that's the way I want to go at the moment. I love getting up close and taking pics of things you normally wouldn't see much detail in. So for now, the magnification filter lenses allow us to do that without spending that enormous price. Obviously not as good as a proper macro lens, but its good for now, and we're just learning :) We also invested in a cable release, and OMG, it was so worth the little we paid for it! I wish we'd got it way sooner! One of these days I'll get around to posting some of the photos I've been taking. It's good actually. Because even though I'm not actually going anywhere, I'm getting OUTSIDE of the house and into the yard and getting some nice fresh air.
My sister arrives back here on Tuesday!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! She's been gone a year and even though she usually lives two states away here, I have missed her like CRAZY while she's been over in Canada. I'm so happy for her that she's had an opportunity for a fabulous life experience of living in another country for a year, but I want her back home :D She'll be staying with us for almost two weeks (I think??) before heading back to Melbourne. The three younger kids have NO idea that she's coming, and its going to be a huge surprise for them! I'm picking her up from the airport, and taking Sophie with me, which will be cool. Mum will watch the three younger ones for me and I just can't WAIT to see their reaction when she walks in the door! But knowing my kids, they'll run out to greet me anyway, so all the excitement will probably happen at the car LOL

Only about 5 weeks now until we take off on our yearly holiday to Hervey Bay. Oh you have no idea how much I need it. Really. I'm about at breaking point, and I need to just get away, sit on a beach every day for the two weeks, go fishing, go walking.. ahhhh.. I'm so glad we put that time aside two years ago to go. Its an addiction now. The place we go is so lovely and relaxing. I just am hoping against all hopes that Hayden doesn't do what he was doing last year and just running off in any direction and spending all my time chasing him. It's getting quite dangerous, and its putting me on edge a little. Thank goodness with the tent we can do the zips up so that they are way up the top and he can't undo them! That was one way we "contained" him in one place last year. Sounds awful, but it really was trying to chase him every 5 seconds. Never mind. They are only young once, and hopefully with every year, it gets a little easier.
And my "baby" girl Sophie turns 17 on Saturday! OMG, WTF??? It's totally bizarre. Next year she will be legally an adult. Able to drink legally, and also she must register to vote. WOW. No way. I remember her at Becky's age so clearly. The poor sweety has to work a 5 hour shift on her birthday :( And I have no idea what I am getting her. It's to the point where I either get her to pick what she wants, or I give her money, because I just know what I get her isn't going to be what she really wants LOL But at the same time, it makes me feel bad that she knows what she will be getting on her birthday. I have two days to get her something!!!! YIKES!!!
Ok, that's about it from me for now. If I think of anything else, I will update again. It's been lovely coming here and writing everything down. I must do that more often.

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