Wednesday, March 4, 2009

MIA and other ramblings...

I know, I've been away from here for way too long. So many things going on. I've just got back online after a week without internet because the wireless router went to router heaven. Got one for a bargain yesterday, so here I am, back in action.
Bushfires have ravaged my homestate of Victoria for the last month now, and for the last two weeks, my brother and his wife and boys have been on emergency alert because its close to them. The fires have devastated so much of the land.. many houses and way too many lives have been lost and it is totally scary. So I'm continuing to hope and pray that these fires end and my brother and his family don't have to worry, with so many sleepless nights. I wish there was something I could do.
The kids have been back at school for a month now, and so far so good. Alot of sickness going around so both Lachie and Sophie have had the odd time off for that. Sophie is home again today (as well as yesterday) for an infected pimple on her face, and now she's choked up with a headcold.. lovely..
Other than that, nothing much else has been going on. Same old shit, just a different day really.
Hayden is now talking up a storm. Repeats everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that we say. So we have to watch ourselves now ;)
I'm also trying to get right into photography at the moment, but I'm getting frustrated at the lack of lens choice, which can clearly make a huge difference in the results of my photos. One of these days we will be able to start upgrading and getting more in the way of decent equipment to work with.
Summer is officially over now.. I just wish the temperature would start coming down. It's been a horrible muggy summer this year, and I'm ready for it to be over with. I'm longing for the cool of winter. There is just something comforting about rugging up in layers of clothing, snuggling under the covers and keeping warm. Nice hot coffee or hot chocolate. Yummy roast dinners and casseroles. Mmm.. I love BBQing, but I love roasts and casseroles that much more. So come on, Mother Nature.. bring it on.
Also, its only two more months before we go away for our yearly trip to Hervey Bay. Ahh I'm looking forward to it, for sure. The fishing, the scenery.. watching the kids play on the beach every day. Just getting out of the house for two weeks. I'm so housebound that it is driving me nuts. I seem to have lost connection with 99.9% of my friends and without a house phone, I can't even call the few I do have left. I need to get out of the house and make some friends. Even online friendships don't seem to last that long anymore. I'm losing faith in alot of things, and being lonely is the worst feeling in the world.
But that's enough whining from me. 10-4, over and out.

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