Thursday, April 9, 2009

So it is decided..

I will be having my gall bladder removed. It will probably be in about 6 months time, but it will come out. I have one small (4.5mm) gallstone that is causing this on again-off again pain. My doctor said that even though there is only one, and its small, it is the small ones that can cause the most pain, because they can travel into the bile duct and block it off, causing enormous amounts of pain. So, for now, I just continue with the low-fat eating, and taking pain relief when needed. IF the pain becomes worse/unbearable, I am to go either straight to my doctor, or to the hospital emergency room. And if at that time the pain is bad enough to warrant it, they may take it out then. Who knows. All I can say is, I'm glad I have an answer, and will be relieved when it comes out and I am pain free. Like I have said, the pain isn't all the time, and while it is painful, its not "pass out" material just yet. I can't imagine it being much worse than it gets. But I have heard it gets quite excruciating. Fun!
So here's a pic of the little culprit.
The little dot that the arrow is pointing to is the little bugger. Just thought I'd share my insides with you all ;)
So the kids are now on easter holidays. They are off now until the 19th, and go back the 20th of April, unless they have a pupil free day on the monday (I never know when they are!). Then they are back at school for just under two weeks, and we go away for our yearly vacation! I CAN'T WAIT! I will share lots of photos of that when we get back, so beware LOL Photo overload. Now that I am learning more and more about our camera, I'm becoming alot more adventurous and excited to take different styles of photos. I can see me taking alot of bird photos ;) Seagulls and pelicans, and whatever else we may come across! Hopefully the dolphins will come out to play again, like they have the last two years, and I can grab some awesome pics of them. And of course, there will be photos of the fish we catch. And the kids playing on the beach. And the FIL and other half skiing. Oh WEEEEEEE.... now the excitement is REALLY building!
We're having lots of issues at the moment with Hayden coming in to our bed through the night. To begin with, it was the odd night, and then he'd go a few weeks before coming back in again. He kind of cycled with it, so it wasn't so bad. But now, it is EVERY NIGHT... I mean, usually 12.30am I am woken up to feel a little boy crawling at the end of our bed, working his way up the middle of Keith and I. We've learnt that if we put him back to bed, he keeps coming in. It's not too bad because he goes back to sleep straight away, but its really getting to become a bad habit with this boy. Three nights ago, Keith put him back to bed (fast asleep) 4 times in total. He ended up back in with me not long after Keith left for work. So it makes it a hard, restless night. He has moments where he reaches out to touch us, just for the comfort side of it, but he ends up touching all over my face, and if there is one thing I can't handle, its that. OMG It just annoys me LOL I know he means well, and that he's just searching for something familiar, but boy oh boy, stop it already! We've tried giving him a cuddle toy/blanket to go to bed with, but it doesn't work. Hopefully the two weeks away will get him out of the habit of crawling in with us, as we will be in the same room, but there will be NO room for him on the double blow up mattress with us LOL Just no way its gonna happen. He will be in a camping bunk right next to our mattress, so we can just take it in turns to lay on the side he'll be on, and reach out and get him back to sleep IN HIS OWN BED. Ugh. Really. He's nearly 3. It's got to stop.
Speaking of that. He's nearly 3. Where has the last 3 years gone? My baby is far from being a baby anymore :( I love them being babies, and to know that my last is way past that, is just so saddening. But at the same time, I AM looking forward to them being that little bit older, where we can look forward to sleeping in (all my kids end up being ones who sleep late of a morning lol).. so that's only a year or so away (IF Hayden decides that his bed is better than ours.. how are we going to make that happen?).
Anyway, I've rambled enough, and have run out of things to talk about (I have no life hehe).. so I will sign off again, until next time. I hope you are all well!

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