Thursday, August 14, 2008

A better night tonight!

Yes, she went to bed quite well tonight. Apart from the time she started crying. When we asked what was wrong, she said "I hurt myself". I asked her how she hurt herself "I hurt myself by singing!"... ok.. wtf? hahaha... so I said "You'll be fine honey.. go to sleep now :)" to which I got back from her "But I hurt myself very badly mum!" LOL She milks it for all she's got huh! So I went in and gave her a kiss to make it better, and she fell asleep about 10 minutes later without another peep! We think she's having bad dreams, because she came in to us again last night. I let her sleep with us for about an hour before I got sandwiched between her and Keith and couldn't move! So I woke Keith up and asked him to put her back to bed (because I couldn't move! LOL). So he got up, put her back to bed and I hear a little voice over the baby monitor say "Thank you daddy".. awww.. see?? She IS a sweet little thing! I think she was just WAYYY overtired last night.
So yesterday I had a headache that literally lasted from the moment I woke up to when I got to bed. Panadol took the edge off but didn't take it away. Not sure what was up with that! And then today I've quickly come down with my second cold in a month. YAY... not! Becky and Hayden came down with it first, so I'll blame them for snotting all over me ;)..
It's nearly the weekend... a step closer to Fresh Fruit Friday.. I can't wait to see what the designers release this week! Hopefully I will have a little bit of spare change to get myself something.. I haven't been able to treat myself for a few weeks now, and its driving me insane LOL There are some things there that I'm dying to get, but they will have to wait :)

No scrapping today. I might try tonight, but not sure if my head is going to cooperate with this cold. I think as soon as Hayden is asleep (god knows when that is going to be, after he fell asleep on my bed this afternoon for an hour!), I'll be going straight to bed myself. I hate being sick!
Next week is a busy week for us. Tuesday is Lachie's 10th birthday (OMG!), and then the day after, Keith gets his tax done, and Sophie has a Panic! At the Disco concert to go to (which i have to drive the other side of town to get her there!). Lachie is also supposed to have a paediatricians appt that day, but I'm going to postpone it, because I just don't know where I'm going to find the extra $130 for the visit. Ughhh.. but he really needs to go, because this will be the second time I've had to delay his visit. We'll see how things go.
That's about it from me. I'm going to go browse the Orchard for a bit and then try and get Hayden to bed.. toodle-pip!!


Susie said...

Toodle Pip??????
Are you a Grandma now?????

Cathi said...

I don't know about being a grandma, but some days I feel like one!!! Dang LOL

Susie said...

Of course you aren't.
That would make me feel even worse, considering I'm older than you..