Saturday, August 23, 2008

Where does time go??

Honestly, it doesn't feel like it has been 9 days since my last post. It feels like it was only a few days ago! Never mind! With all of these kids to keep up with, time flies lol

So I wanted to show off some photos I took today of my three youngest showing off the gorgeous gifts they received from my sister Sue, who is currently in Banff, living it up and enjoying life :) These are the awesome gifts she sent them!

This is Hayden showing off the gorgeous shirt Aunty Sue sent as a late birthday present.. he loves it!

Hamming it up for the camera... can you tell I take heaps of him and he's totally comfortable showing off? LOL

Becky decided to give him a hug, so I took a picture.. how cute are these two?? I'm totally loving how close they are!

This is Becky showing off her Tinkerbell nail set that Aunty Sue sent "Just because".. she didn't want Becky feeling left out and wondering why Lachlan and Hayden got a present but not her. Isn't she just the best aunty there is?

I got her to hold it a little closer to the camera so you could see it better.. it has two clear nail varnishes, a tinkerbell nail file and some little stickers!

And lastly, the birthday boy wearing his gift, a fantastic bearprint shirt from Banff, Canada. He loves that his aunty sue sent it all the way from the other side of the world.

And one more becuase I wanted him to SMILE in the photo LOL

Well that's about it for the moment. I have a few more layouts to post, but I need to leave that for either tomorrow or early in the week, because right now I have to get two little children out of the bath, dry and dress them, and then make hot dogs for dinner!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A better night tonight!

Yes, she went to bed quite well tonight. Apart from the time she started crying. When we asked what was wrong, she said "I hurt myself". I asked her how she hurt herself "I hurt myself by singing!"... ok.. wtf? hahaha... so I said "You'll be fine honey.. go to sleep now :)" to which I got back from her "But I hurt myself very badly mum!" LOL She milks it for all she's got huh! So I went in and gave her a kiss to make it better, and she fell asleep about 10 minutes later without another peep! We think she's having bad dreams, because she came in to us again last night. I let her sleep with us for about an hour before I got sandwiched between her and Keith and couldn't move! So I woke Keith up and asked him to put her back to bed (because I couldn't move! LOL). So he got up, put her back to bed and I hear a little voice over the baby monitor say "Thank you daddy".. awww.. see?? She IS a sweet little thing! I think she was just WAYYY overtired last night.
So yesterday I had a headache that literally lasted from the moment I woke up to when I got to bed. Panadol took the edge off but didn't take it away. Not sure what was up with that! And then today I've quickly come down with my second cold in a month. YAY... not! Becky and Hayden came down with it first, so I'll blame them for snotting all over me ;)..
It's nearly the weekend... a step closer to Fresh Fruit Friday.. I can't wait to see what the designers release this week! Hopefully I will have a little bit of spare change to get myself something.. I haven't been able to treat myself for a few weeks now, and its driving me insane LOL There are some things there that I'm dying to get, but they will have to wait :)

No scrapping today. I might try tonight, but not sure if my head is going to cooperate with this cold. I think as soon as Hayden is asleep (god knows when that is going to be, after he fell asleep on my bed this afternoon for an hour!), I'll be going straight to bed myself. I hate being sick!
Next week is a busy week for us. Tuesday is Lachie's 10th birthday (OMG!), and then the day after, Keith gets his tax done, and Sophie has a Panic! At the Disco concert to go to (which i have to drive the other side of town to get her there!). Lachie is also supposed to have a paediatricians appt that day, but I'm going to postpone it, because I just don't know where I'm going to find the extra $130 for the visit. Ughhh.. but he really needs to go, because this will be the second time I've had to delay his visit. We'll see how things go.
That's about it from me. I'm going to go browse the Orchard for a bit and then try and get Hayden to bed.. toodle-pip!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oh dear, where did my sweet girl go??

I should start off by saying that yes, Becky IS still a sweet little thing who melts my heart every single day. Tonight tested that! She had a rough night last night, and ended up in bed with us for around half an hour because she got scared "by a ghost". After half an hour, she decided she wanted to go back to her bed, so all was good. Apparently she then woke up when Keith was getting ready to leave for work at 4.30am. She must have gone back to sleep after he left, because she was asleep when I got up at 7am. She didn't end up waking up until around 9am.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, she was sitting at the table this evening around 7.30pm and her eyes were literally red rimmed from being so tired. So we gave her until 7.45pm and then told her it was bedtime. Well, did the dramatics start! She threw a mini tantrum and begged us to let her stay up and watch Toy Story 2. We told her no, it was time for bed. The next HOUR (!!!) consisted of screaming fits and she wound herself up so much that she couldn't talk between sobs. At one stage when she asked if she could watch some TV and Keith said no, she actually lashed out and tried to grab at his face!! It stunned both Keith and I, and she got a stern talking to and told to settle down and that it was time for bed. She wasn't having any of it. Lachie went to bed at 8.30pm (his usual bedtime) and as soon as he walked into their bedroom, she started yelling "MUMMMMM.. Lachlan won't be quiettttt".. I let her do that twice before I went in and told her to stop it and go to sleep. I walked away and she started up at Lachie again. In the end I had to go in and pop her on the bottom because her behaviour was getting totally out of hand at that point. She finally went to sleep at 9.15pm. 1 1/2 hours after we initially put her to bed. She honestly was so wound up, and we didn't want to cave and bring her out because that was just going to reward the tantrum. Oh lord, she really is a livewire this one. I love her more than anything, but her tantrums really are starting to get the better of me lately! I don't know what to do with it all. Maybe I need parenting classes??? *SIGH*
Anyway, enough about that. Its been quite a while since I have posted, and I want to add some of my recent layouts to show off. I think I'm definitely getting better, little by little. I'm by no means talented at it, but I'm happy with what I'm accomplishing, 3 months into it :)

Here goes....

This one is one of my total favourites. One afternoon we were all downstairs playing, and Becky was jumping on the trampoline. She had some static going on, so I grabbed the camera and took some pictures of her hair raising fun. I honestly couldn't stop laughing, and don't know how I managed to get these photos LOL

I decided to do a simple but hopefully effective layout of Jaffa. I really like how it turned out!

This one was a spur of the moment layout that I did last night that reflected my feelings at that very moment about being 35. The journalling basically says how I'm dreading all the wrinkles that are happening so suddenly these days, but that I'm now realising that with each new line, it means I've had one more chance to laugh and smile with my 4 kids :) I like how it turned out :)

This was for a wordart challenge, and as soon as I read the wordart, I knew what I was going to be doing with it. It really is amazing when you put Sophies, Becky's and my photos together when we were at the same age.

And lastly, this was for the Applecart Challenge at Scrap Orchard.. I am really very happy with how it came together, and I'm so in love with the pictures of Becky brushing her teeth..

So that's it for the time being. I think I've exhausted myself with my novel about Becky and her meltdown! I'll be back soon with more of life and scrapping, because there is ALWAYS something going on at the Orchard :D

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Just trying something out here :)

Trying to see if I can link my photobucket pics to here :) Here goes!
