Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa's almost here..

So, 6 more sleeps until Santa. Boy my kids are getting all hyped up about it, and I'm excited for them :D

Not much happening in the scrapping department. It's starting to get a bit too hot to sit at the puter for any great length of time. My computer is in a dead corner of the house that gets no breeze, and when we get 95F+ weather, its AWFUL! I have got a few things done late at night when it has cooled off enough, but I'm just having trouble getting motivated. Bahhh.. oh the joys of summer. Have I told you before that I HATE summer? Ick with a capital I.

Sophie is doing great with her new part time job! She has to work next week on the 26th, 27th and 28th.. the bummer is, the 28th is my birthday, and she works an 8 hour shift that day.. WAHH.. But we might go have dinner at her work and wait around for her to finish :D Plus she'll get good pay for working on the 26th.. a public holiday! She's in heaven earning her own money now! We went shopping last night and she bought herself some new clothes. At first she asked ME if she could use some of her money to buy herself some clothes.. I said "Uhh honey.. that money is yours! You don't need my permission to spend it on something you want!" What a sweetie she is. She got some really nice clothes!

I, just this very minute, was watching my 2yo watching the end of a Spongebob episode.. he's definitely picking things up off the 10yo! He is sitting there, nodding his head to the music and playing air guitar, just like Lachie does hahaha.. omg.. way too cute!

Anyway, I digress! So I went and had a chat with Santa last night and told him what the kids wanted, and so hopefully he will be bringing them everything they want! ;) I have to revisit Santa on sunday just to double check with him about it, and then it will be just sitting back and waiting for the jolly old man on thursday morning!

Tomorrow night is Keiths work christmas party. It's an overnight thing like last year. We get there just after lunch, start drinking and talking until its time for dinner, we go eat, then drink some more, go to sleep, wake up in the morning and get going.. it was heaps of fun last year, so hopefully it will be this year too! There are only going to be two ladies there.. me and another wifey, so should prove interesting! It's only a small company, but still haha.. two women and probably 8 males? What in the world is the conversation going to be like?

That's about it from me for now. I'm not being overly exciting lately, and I'm tired, so not thinking of everything I wanted to write. Have a good one folks!

1 comment:

Susie said...

LOL @ Hayden doing the air guitar like Lachie does...