Monday, September 8, 2008

Please, quarantine us!

Ok, so its monday afternoon and we made it through a busy weekend. Keith took Sophie and Lachie to the football on friday night (a very last minute decision!) and the Bronco's won, which made it totally worth that last minute decision lol... saturday he was going to go fishing, but the weather was still very windy, and the guy he was going with was sick with flu, so they called it off. And yesterday we were supposed to go to Keiths brothers for a fathers day BBQ, but none of us ended up going because of the conjunctivitis/cold/flu epidemic that is washing all over this house.

So Becky, Hayden and I are taking drops for the pink eye. Lachie fell sick on saturday afternoon and spent all day yesterday on the couch, and for those who know him, he IS sick when he doesn't move from the one spot all day! He stayed home from school today and is again on the lounge sniffling, and watching a movie. Then yesterday Hayden started with this real horrid cough.. it may be croup, but it sounded worse than that! He came in to our room at 11pm last night and because I was worried and his cough sounded so horrible, I just popped him right into our bed and we fell asleep for a while. Then he woke me up with this horrible croaky crying, and when I touched his forehead he was burning up real bad. So I took off his socks, as well as his long sleeve shirt and left him in a very light cotton all in one. Gave him some Nurofen and tried to go back to sleep.. nope, he wasn't having any of that. So I ended up sitting up with him from 12.30am to just after 4am. He is still coughing and veryyyy croaky today, but his cough has broken, so it looks like he's on the other side of cold mountain :)

In other news, I got myself a 500GB EHD for $124.. BARGAIN! My computer is now running alot smoother, and I haven't even transferred everything yet! I also got myself PSE6 (YIPPEEEE!!!) but I'm having a bit of a time trying to learn how to use it lol I'm such a PSP girl, but I want the results PSE can give. So it will be time and alot of learning and tutorials :)

THEN!!! On saturday, Keith, the kids and myself went shopping with a few ideas in mind. We had talked about getting a new big TV, but the prices were a bit much. Then we went to the Good Guys and found our TV. OMG... seriously, its heaven on a stick! A 42 inch plasma.. at a rock bottom awesomely insane price! Mum and dad are in the process of saving to get themselves a new TV as theirs went kaput a week or so ago, and we've sold them on this one! We've lent them our "old" TV until they get their new one, because they were watching everything on a tiny little tv, and it was hurting dad's eyes. They very much appreciated us letting them use ours!

So now I just have to get some motivation up to scrap some pages.. I'm ITCHING to do some more layouts, but I just either have no inspiration, or I have no time. I might try tonight if everyone lets me have an hour or two to myself. Probably after the little ones go to bed!

So hopefully my next post will be about my new super dooper PSE6 layouts! LOL

1 comment:

Jemenifer22 said...

Well howdy do Ms. Cathi!!! I found your blog on Patti's have I been??

I hope you all have gotten over the pink eye (it's been a while since you posted this, so I'm sure you have) and WOW...congrats on all the new gadgets ya'll got, EHD, the new PS (6 right?) and the Plasma!! Me and DH was looking at Plasma's this past weekend, but when we found out about the hidden costs (they tried selling us on something called collaboration) and that just turned us off, as if the price isn't high enough, they want to add on an additional $300 just for someone to come out and "tune" it up for us!! So, we'll wait and shop around some more!!

Hope all is well in that beautiful neck of the woods you're in!!