Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Spring has Sprung!

I just wish it would show here and we'd all stop being sick with colds! I'm halfway through my 4th cold in just over a month and I am well and truly OVER it. I'm off to the docs tomorrow and hopefully will get some antibiotics to get rid of this icky chest infection that doesn't want to budge! My sinus is clogged too, and I just want to be able to smell and taste things properly! I also need to get my ears checked out too because I think one of them has a nasty buildup of old wax. TMI, I know LOL But that's me!

So I have applied recently to two Creative Team calls. I heard back from one today which was the second one I applied for, and unfortunately didn't make the team, but she was very graceful with saying no, and for that, I'm very appreciative! I'm yet to hear from the first designer I did an application with, and to be honest, I don't think I'm going to get a reply. I know I didn't make it. But it would be nice to get a definite no in writing. Such is life! I'm not worried at all. If I make a CT, great! But if I don't, I'm still going to have a blast scrapping anyway :) I don't need to be on a team to enjoy what I'm doing!

Speaking of scrapping, I have a few more layouts that I have done recently. I've been in a bit of a dive lately with coming up with layouts, but every now and then it works out lol

I did this for a challenge at Scrap Orchard. It was a wordart challenge, and I had alot of fun with this one. I luckily had Ellie Lash's kit "Lickety Split" and it worked perfectly with the wordart! The only thing I was missing was icecream.. so I went and bought the kids some icecream and cones, and then went snap happy taking pics of them eating them LOL

Honestly, I can't remember if this one was done for a challenge or not, but I used some wordart I found on Bethany's site. Her link is on the right hand side ;) I'd taken some pics of my son playing at the end of the driveway after Keith washed our car. A couple of hours later, checked Bethany's site, and that was her wordart freebie of the day! How coincidental! I just couldn't resist making this layout.

This is one I decided to do at the last minute one night. I'm quite pleased with this one, and it really reflects my thoughts at that very moment. It was made using the collab kit "Summer Lovin" by Ellie Lash and Pineapple Plantation Designs. Great kit with work with for lots of different themes.

And this was a challenge I completed today at Scrap Orchard called "Applecart Challenge".. you are given a free minikit (you have to be registered and logged in to nab it), and then you have to use every single piece of the kit in your layout. I decided to use one of Sines templates (and this one is a freebie on her blog!). The photos are of a blue tongued lizard that my dog nearly had for lunch yesterday. We rescued it and later released it in the gully in our backyard. He was so big and fat and healthy! Though he was missing the bottom half of one of his back legs, but it didn't seem to be bothering him!. How weird that the blue of his tongue and the green of the grass match the colours of the kit! I'm really happy with how this one turned out :D

Not a great deal else has been happening. Keiths pay didn't go in today so he didn't go to work because he didn't have enough fuel to get there and back. Lachie stayed home because I didn't have enough fuel to get him to and from school, and Sophie stayed home because she missed the bus.. AGAIN! Honestly, that bus driver needs to be more organised and get to the bus stop at a regular time, instead of at least half hour differences in times each day. One day Sophie left at 7.55am to walk to the end of our street (not that far!) and the bus had already been. The next day, she was still waiting at the bus stop at 8.30am as I drove past to take Lachie to school, and the bus turned up just at that time. Its ridiculous. She is missing more days than I like because of missing the bus, and with the cost of fuel the way it is, I can't afford to be driving her to school because of that. I need to get onto the bus company and complain. She has also put a job application for a fast food store that will be opening near her school soon. If she gets through to an interview, it will be this friday, but so far she hasn't heard anything. I really hope she gets something soon because she is desperate to get a part time job and earn her own money. Poor honey. She's just getting so down about being rejected time after time. I keep telling her that the right job will come along at the right time :) She just needs to be a little more confident in herself!
Oh another note, we were watching "Bridge to Terabithia" today and Becky was absolutely enthralled with it. I'm about to give a spoiler if you haven't seen the movie and wish to, so skip if you don't want to know!... anyway, the storyline ends up with the little girl dying and her friend is beside himself after losing his best friend. About 5 minutes later Becky turns to me most upset and said "I'm killed mummy".. I said "No you aren't honey, you are just fine".. to wish she replied "No mummy, I am KILLED!" and burst into tears. I told her to come give me big cuddles, but she buried herself face down into the couch and started sobbing. I picked her up (she protested so much to that), but I just grabbed her and held her on my lap and comforted her. She sobbed for a solid 10 minutes and it brought tears to my eyes as I realise that my little 3yo angel may finally understand the impact of death. I honestly didn't think it would affect her like that (because they don't actually show the girl die), otherwise I would never have let her watch it (Sue, you can attest to the fact that I don't let my kids watch things that will disturb or upset them!). 3 just seems too young to have any realisation of what death means. But she has a very intelligent little mind, this one.. just like her big sister. She understands far too much for her age, but its not something that I can avoid either. She just soaks in anything and everything around her. I love her so much :)
Anyway, I've rambled enough! Its SPRING! It's already starting to warm up, and we've moved from being rugged up, to wearing shorts and short-sleeved tops. The electric blanket hasn't been on for about a week now, and there have been a couple of days where we've had a fan or two going through the day. They are predicting a big storm season for us this summer, so I think we need to spend time cleaning up the yard, because they are saying they will be BIG. WOOT! Bring it on! As long as we don't lose our house (TOUCH WOOD!), I'll be sitting on my back verandah watching everything :)


Patti said...

Yay for spring, Booooo for colds! Hope you're all feeling better soon Cathi! Aww, poor little Becky. :( (give her big hugs for me)
Sorry about the CT calls, you know how I feel about that already so I won't comment.;) LOL Sometime you'll find the right match to a designer that you love and enjoy creating for. :) In the meantime, you've got the right attitude, scrap for yourself and enjoy it!

Susie said...

Oh dear. I have watched Bridge to Terabithia (after reading the book at school so I knew the story) but never thought it would affect her that much. It's a great movie.
Yes, you can't shelter her from that but it would be nice if she didn't have to have that on her little mind at her age.
You tell her that Aunty Sue loves her and misses her very much and is glad she is just fine.
I had tears in my eyes reading that part - and I'm at work so that's not a good thing!!
And yes, I can vouch for the fact that you won't let the kids watch anything that you know would upset them - particularly that much.