Monday, May 25, 2009

We've been and come back, and wish we were still there!

So we have been away on our vacation, and have been back for a week now. Wow, it was great! Apart from the windy days and the odd bit of rain here and there. We took a whopping 2000 photos while we were away, and most of them are keepers, which I'm amazed at! Once I resize and watermark them, I will post some of the really good ones to show. We really didn't get to go to many places because the weather was kind of ick, and the big jetty we normally go for a walk on was under repair, so that was out as well. But you can't help the weather right?
Hayden turns 3 in 6 days!!! WOW... it really has flown by, and I'm now trying to work out what to get my little man for his birthday. I definitely think some clothes are in order, as he's grown so much, and now that winter is approaching FAST, he needs some warmer clothes that actually fit him LOL Other than that we are thinking of another big truck for the yard/sandpit. He got a big John Deere truck for christmas and it got used every single day at Hervey Bay and it has begun the addiction to them, so we may look at getting him a digger. The one other thing I would think of is a big boy bike. He got a trike for christmas (which is now broken *SIGH*) and he likes to get on Becky's big girl bike and ride it, so that may be the trick! Who knows. Money is also the deciding factor in all of it as well, as this week is a HUGE week for bills coming out of the account, plus two car registrations.. sucks!! But will definitely be making him his own birthday cake, which I usually do each year. This year he will have a Wall.E cake picture to put on top, as he LOVES Eve out of that movie. I will post pics when I've made it :)

In other stuff going on, we've had ALOT of rain over the last week. I mean ALOT!!! We had some flash flooding, Sophie's highschool was closed at midday on the wednesday and when she got home I flew down to Lachie's school to get him. The weather was just crazy! We have had rain on and off the last few days, but nothing like it was last week. We apparently had the wettest May weather for 30 odd years.. but we do need the rain. Our state Premier announced that the drought was now over, but she should have said that BRISBANE drought was over, not Queensland. There are still alot of areas in Queensland that are in dire need of rain, and they are far from being drought free. So now the hope is that the rains build up and hit in other areas of QLD so that they may be on the way to their dams being even half full.
Another thing I wanted to mention was about Keith and I wanting to take our photography so much further. We are looking into doing some accredited courses to learn more, and start taking great photos most of the time. We are really serious about this and want to get to the stage where Keith can go full time with photography and give up the job he is currently doing. That is his ultimate dream. We now just need to work out how much this is going to cost us to get things rolling. I dread to think LOL
Anyway, that's it from me for now. I stupidly started a blog entry when it was almost time to get kids organised for school so I have to keep it short for now. Will be back when I have a bit more time to really go into things :)